Professor Martín Carcasson interviewed by Colorado Public Radio on NoCo Deliberative Journalism Project

Martín Carcasson interviewed by KUNC’s Colorado Edition on his work with the Northern Colorado Deliberative Journalism Project Professor Martín Carcasson is the Director of the Center for Public Deliberation (CPD), which is housed in the Department of Communication Studies at CSU. The CPD is part of the core team behind the NoCo Deliberative Journalism Project⁠—a […]

Alumni feature: Keeping community newspapers fresh with Linda Shapley

This story originally appeared in CSU Magazine. Keeping community newspapers fresh with Linda Shapley Publisher of Colorado Community Media nurtures young journalists while keeping local newspapers thriving Spring 2022 | Emily Wilmsen A yellow sticky note on Linda Carpio Shapley’s laptop reminds her to “be the leader you needed when you were younger.” That’s good news […]

From CSU to CEO: Diane Christman (’85) credits communication degree for career success

As CEO today, Diane still finds herself relying on lessons she first learned as an undergraduate at CSU. She cites key skills like critical thinking, collaboration, public speaking, and writing as ones she first honed in CSU classrooms and upon which she was able to build her successful career.  

Student feature: Not knowing exactly how doesn’t stop tennis team from supporting teammate

Below is an excerpt from a story that originally appeared in CSU RamWire. Anastasiia Kotsyuba is a Communication Studies major here at CSU. Kotsyuba’s concerns are with family and friends back in Ukraine The normal schedule is by days of the week. Each day will tell Anastasiia Kotsyuba what time tennis practice is, if there […]