Happy Friday. We are flying right through October, aren’t we? Last full week of the month as we hurtle toward the end of the school year. What?
I want to start today with an introduction.
Beth Seymour is joining the department as the ACT Film Festival Managing Director. A Colorado native, Beth brings a love of film and film festivals and an extensive background in nonprofit fundraising and event management. Beth holds a MA from Tulane in Latin American Studies and a BA from Whitman in Spanish. Yes, it’s true, there are now two of us in the department with connections to Walla Walla! We are super excited to have Beth on the ACT team and part of the CMST community. Stop by at her desk in the center suite to welcome her.
And the awards just keep rolling in, don’t they?
You all saw, I am sure, that the CPD received this year’s Civvy Award. Kallie was in DC  to receive the award. The story is here. Way to go CPD team! This is wonderful affirmation of the work you all have done for years and years!
And then Ellie will be receiving the NCA Visual Communication Division’s Outstanding Article of the Year Award for her essay in CC/CS “Aesthetic Ruptures: Viewing Graffiti as the Emplaced Vernacular.”
We have two new essays from Scott: “Barney Miller: ‘Landmark’,” in Douglas Howard and David Bianculli, eds., Television Finales: From Howdy Doody to Girls (Syracuse University Press, 2018), 25-33 and “M*A*S*H: ‘Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen’,” in Douglas Howard and David Bianculli, eds., Television Finales: From Howdy Doody to Girls (Syracuse University Press, 2018), 234-241.
To summarize: two new publications, a division award at one of our national conferences for scholarship, and a national award for one of our programs. That’s just this Friday email!
It is so easy to be proud of the work y’all do.
You know, I have the privilege of telling our story to folks outside the department. I say regularly that we are award winning scholars, teachers, and community members. I suppose all chairs say this about their departments. The difference is this: I have data!
Hey, what do you know. Another short Friday Email.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. For me a retreat tomorrow the morning with my MEY (Men: Educate Yourself) colleagues and then the opera in the evening. Hopefully a trip the last Old Town Farmers Market day. Maybe I will stop by The Churn which opens this weekend up in The Exchange for some ice cream. Because you know, ice cream.