

  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Professor
    • Director of Basic Course (SPCM200: Public Speaking)
  • Department:

    • Communication Studies
  • Education:

    • Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
  • Curriculum Vitae:


Katie Gibson (Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University) is a Professor of Communication Studies. Her scholarship focuses on the politics of representation in legal discourse, political communication, and popular culture. Titles of her publications include, “In Defense of Women’s Rights: A Rhetorical Analysis of Judicial Dissent,” “Judicial Rhetoric and Women’s ‘Place’: The United States Supreme Court’s Darwinian Defense of Separate Spheres” and “Undermining Katie Couric: The Discipline Function of the Press.” Katie is also published in Women’s Studies in Communication, theWestern Journal of Communication, Communication Quarterly, Women & Language, and the Southern Communication Journal. She is currently the Vice President of the Organization for Research on Women and Communication.