Happy Friday! I hope your work has been wonderful. I have loved the sunshine and warmth. I was in Boulder yesterday and took a cup of coffee on the sidewalk outside of Boxcar Coffee. What a lovely way to spend a few minutes. It takes a week or three of days like this to feel like I am finally thawing from winter. I know, I know, those of you from truly cold climes like Wisconsin and Minnesota are scoffing at me, but still . . . .

As we close in on the end of the semester, I have bits and pieces to share with you.

First, Julia has returned from her voyage around the world! As she walked down the hall yesterday, I heard shouts of joy! And she has a new essay out: “Musée du Quai Branly: The Heart of Darkness in la Cité de la Lumière,” Communication, Culture and Critique.

How many of you saw the cool news about CMST alumna Jenny Cavnar? She recently made history for being the first woman in 25 years to do play-by-play of a major league baseball game on Monday, April 23 in Denver as the Rockies played the Padres. Read the SOURCE story here.

I will write about two more Friday Emails this semester. If there is something you have wished I would share this year and I haven’t done so, will you let me and/or Carol know? One of the risks of giving individual shout outs to folks is that I risk missing something important. It feels easier, sometimes, to say nothing rather than let someone feel left out. That seems a lousy trade off. So send your news my and Carol’s way. Or if there is a concern you have that you want me to address—for example, one of you recently asked me to talk about the resources for struggling community members—let me know that as well.

I needed to talk to a couple of recalcitrant students this week. I urged them to bring their best selves to the classroom for the next couple of weeks. As I spoke to them, I was fully I aware that I need to heed that advice as well.

So I say to myself: be better Greg (a bit of an inside joke with 612 folks), bring my best self to these last couple of weeks!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will take advantage of the sun and warmth to do more yard work. And man oh man, do I have a bit of office work to get after as well. That’s on the agenda.

Be well, friends!
