First Amendment at CSU

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a good week as we settle back into our school time schedules. By the time you receive this all sorts of cool things will have already taken place in the department: a great C4C regarding internships led by Karyl, the semester’s first Communication Studies Club meeting, and our […]

2018 Gravlee Lecture explores "Destructivism and Hollywood's First Archive"

FORT COLLINS, CO — The Department of Communication Studies is pleased to announce this year’s Gravlee Lecturer, Dr. Chon Noriega, professor in the Department of Film, Television, and Digital Media at the University California Los Angeles. The lecture will be held in the Lory Student Center Theater, Wednesday February 7, at 7:00 p.m. with a […]

Quick Department Update

Happy Friday! And happy last day of finals week. Wee hoo! And a gorgeous day (considering we are in December and at nearly 5,000 feet) to end the semester on. We have done some stuff this semester, haven’t we? Hey a quick note to keep you updated on the cool things going on in the department. Some […]

The last Friday of classes this fall

The last Friday of classes this fall. Amazing right? With exams next week we will be at graduation and into winter break. What a great—and challenging—semester this has been. Scott has a couple of new, short essays out “The Joy Luck Club” and “Amy Tan,” in Barry Keith Grant, ed., Books to Film: Cinematic Adaptations of Literary Works (Cengage Learning, 2017), […]

Peyton Griest on her study abroad in Thailand, intercultural communication, and service

Name: Peyton Griest Major: Communication Studies What was your drive behind studying abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand? How has it been? Many factors influenced my decision and drive to study abroad. I have an undeniable love for travel and the thought of living in a culture that is so different from my own was an […]