- Instructor
- Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
- Intersectional Feminist Theory
- Rhetoric of Materiality, Affect, and Embodiment
- Critical Media Studies
- Communication Studies
- Ph.D. Communication Studies, Colorado State University
- M.A. Communication Studies, Texas Tech University
- B.A. Philosophy, University of Colorado - Denver
Curriculum Vitae:
Dr. McCreary’s research examines the interrelations of material rhetorics, embodiment, and power, and how these varying relations influence social structures. In this research, she uses intersectional feminist, media studies, and critical-cultural theoretical lenses to analyze a variety of rhetorical experiences, including film viewing, embodied movement, and others. Outside of research and teaching, she is part of the Corps Leadership Team for the ACT Human Rights Film Festival (a festival she definitely recommends checking out in the spring!).
McCreary, M. (in press). “The sensory architecture of appearance: Spatializing the formation, regulation, and subversive power of the body,” Western Journal of Communication.
McCreary, M. (2024). “Spinning outside of our selves: Pole dance, materiality & embodied existence beyond colonial binaries,” Women’s Studies in Communication. 1–19.
McCreary, M. (2020). Cultural analysis. In B. L. Ott & R. L. Mack, Critical media studies: An introduction (3rd ed., pp. 374-377). Wiley-Blackwell.