Elizabeth Williams Leads Department of Communication Studies

Professor Elizabeth Williams has recently assumed the role of Chair of the Department of Communication Studies at Colorado State University. Dr. Williams brings a wealth of knowledge and academic excellence to her leadership of the department. Dr. Williams, a first-generation college student, began her academic journey at Alma College, a small liberal arts institution in […]

Celebrating Professor Greg Dickinson’s Decade of Growth and Innovation

After a decade of visionary leadership for the Department of Communication Studies, Professor Greg Dickinson is embarking on a new chapter. As he moves on from his role as department chair to director of the newly established Joe Blake Center for Engaged Humanities, we reflect on his remarkable tenure and lasting impact. Departmental Achievements Under […]

A Lifetime of Empowering Communicators: Celebrating Carl Burgchardt’s Legacy

For 42 years, Carl Burgchardt has dedicated himself to inspiring students through his teaching expertise in rhetoric, public speaking, and film studies in the Department of Communication Studies at Colorado State University. His dedication stemmed from a profound passion for empowering students to reach their potential. The ability to witness their growth brought him immense […]

“Nosotros somos Malinche: Rethinking Identity, Embracing the Power of Mestizaje”

Dr. Julia Khrebtan-Hörhager and M.A. graduate Emily Dosch published in Intercultural Communication Research Associate Professor Julia Khrebtan-Hörhager and 2023 M.A. graduate Emily Dosch have published the paper “Nosotros somos Malinche: Rethinking Identity, Embracing the Power of Mestizaje” in the latest issue of Intercultural Communication Research. Abstract: In this essay, we examine the role of visual and material […]

“An exploration of esports fan identity, engagement practices, and motives”

Dr. Natalie Pennington published alongside former advisee in Telematics and Informatics Reports Assistant Professor Natalie Penngington and her former advisee Josh Barney have published the paper “An exploration of esports fan identity, engagement practices, and motives” in the most recent issue of Telematics and Informatics Reports. Abstract:  As esports continues to grow in popularity, it is […]

“East Asian Film Remakes”

Scott Diffrient’s new book published by Edinburgh University Press Professor Scott Diffrient co-edited a new book, East Asian Film Remakes, with University of Northern Colorado Professor Kenneth Chan. Edinburgh University Press published the book in July 2023. Diffrient also wrote the book’s second chapter, “Against Anesthesia: An Empty Dream, Pleasurable Pain, and the ‘Illicit’ Thrills […]

A Semester at Sea, a Book, and a True Voyage of Discovery

Associate Professor Julia Khrebtan-Hörhager recently returned from a unique semester abroad. She was on Semester at Sea (SAS), a program that takes students and faculty around the world together. A voyage of discovery Khrebtan-Hörhager is a Global Scholar/Intercultural Specialist for the Institute for Shipboard Education, which manages SAS. On each SAS voyage, college students from […]

Returning to an in-person Society for Cinema & Media Studies Conference

From April 12 to 15, the annual Society for Cinema & Media Studies (SCMS) Conference convened in Denver. It was the first in-person SCMS Conference since 2019. Many faculty and graduate students from the Department of Communication Studies attended to present their research and learn from other media and film studies scholars from around the […]