Carcasson journal article published in National Civic Review
Martín Carcasson has published the article “Between Thick and Thin: Improving Public Engagement through a Wicked Problems Lens” in the Fall 2020 issue of National Civic Review.
Like other “wicked problems,” public engagement can be best understood by identifying the underlying values from multiple perspectives, recognizing the natural tensions between those values, and then focusing on how to best negotiate those tensions through an ongoing collaborative process.
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Citation: Carcasson, M. (2020). Between Thick and Thin: Improving Public Engagement through a Wicked Problems Lens. National Civic Review, 109(3), 6-14. doi:10.32543/naticivirevi.109.3.0006
- Image – national civic review.jpg and Carcasson
- Tags: article, Carcasson, faculty, civic engagement
- Date: Nov. 30, 2020