Updated Twitter Presidency chapter published in Political Science Quarterly

Greg Dickinson and Brian Ott have a published a revised chapter from their book The Twitter Presidency in Political Science Quarterly. The published chapter, “The Twitter Presidency: How Donald Trump’s Tweets Undermine Democracy and Threaten Us All,” appears in Volume 135 Number 4 2020.

Online access: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/polq.13129

Ott, B.L. and Dickinson, G. (2020), The Twitter Presidency: How Donald Trump’s Tweets Undermine Democracy and Threaten Us All. Political Science Quarterly, 135: 607-636. https://doi.org/10.1002/polq.13129

  • Image: Political Science Quarterly and Dickinson
  • Tags: Chapter, Dickinson, Faculty, Rhetoric
  • Date: December 1, 2020