This is an excerpt from a story that originally appeared in Source.

The inaugural cohort of Colorado State University Leadership Fellows for the 2021-22 academic year was announced last month. This new program was developed by President Joyce McConnell and university leadership to reach out to and support the many tremendously talented leaders among CSU faculty and staff to help them strengthen their leadership skills, enhance their understanding of higher education, and gain experience that will benefit them in current and future positions.
The program identifies those leaders and future leaders, then links each fellow with a senior mentor from President McConnell’s leadership team. Fellows will participate in a series of monthly professional development sessions where they can share challenges, successes, insights and experiences. In addition, each participant will work directly with a member of the university leadership team on a project in a specific area of focus. Fellowships will account for 50% of a fellow’s workload during the program.
“This is a tremendously valuable opportunity for both the university and the fellows,” said President McConnell. “It really highlights the quality of our faculty and staff and provides each of them with the time and resources to take an in-depth look at an issue they almost certainly will encounter as they move into leadership positions of greater responsibility. In a very real sense, we’re helping prepare the next generation of leaders and shaping the future of our institution.”
Meet our fellow
We are proud to announce that Elizabeth Sink is among the inaugural cohort of CSU Leadership Fellows:

Elizabeth Sink, a master teaching instructor for the Communication Studies Department, will be mentored by Blanche Hughes, vice president for student affairs. Sink’s focus will be basic needs and food insecurity.