Another Successful Week!

Happy Friday. It really and truly is November, isn’t it? The days keep getting shorter, and the nights are colder. I comfort myself in knowing that in five or six weeks the days will begin again to lengthen. Another successful week here in the department. For example, Elizabeth Williams learned this week that her co-authored […]

Mind, Body, & Soul Refreshment

Hey folks, it is Friday! Time for another Friday email. I hope it has been a good week for you. Kit is off this weekend for Washington DC for a conference she helped plan with the Radio Preservation Task Force. She writes: “We’re an initiative of the Library of Congress to coordinate the preservation and accessibility of American radio recordings. The conference […]

Good news comes in waves!

Hey, folks, it is another Friday and so another Friday email. And we are about the put a check next to another month. We are cranking it, my friends! Tons of fun stuff to talk about today. For example, this is Friday Community Tea #2 day. 11:00-11:50 in BSB A217. Carol will host the tea today as I am with the TT faculty will be […]

Alumni Panel Season

Happy Friday, folks, as we head into October. This is the month of pumpkin spice everything, the month of falling leaves, and the month of shortening days. And this is the month where we pass the half-way mark on fall semester. It has been a whirlwind so far, right? We continue to have much to celebrate. […]

C4C: A new way to connect with undergrads

Welcome to Friday! What a whirlwind of a week it has been and still will be! Monday we started with our first Brown Bag research presentation. Scott lead us through some rich conversation about his book on human rights cinema. A wonderful conversation. (Another Brown Bag research presentation comes this next Monday. Eric will be presenting on ethnography and his decades-long project on rural community in […]

Rock, roll, and rhetoric

We are pulling to a close yet another amazing week here in the department. I continue to be so proud of everything we are doing. For example, Hye Seung’s article “Hollywood Diplomacy and The Purple Heart (1944): Preserving Wartime Alliances through Film Regulation,” The Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television is available in e-print. Many of you saw what is really a […]

Faculty publications and a response to the Newsom symbolic assault

And now it is Friday. Again. Seems like Friday happens almost every week! Amazing how that works out. Hey some important and cool stuff to talk about this week. First, thanks to the hard work of Lindsey with support from Carol, Scott, me, and partners from across the college and the university we are finalizing a really important program responding to […]