Two new publications by Professor Hye Seung Chung

Headshot of Hye Seung ChungThis fall, Professor Hye Seung Chung returned from a year in Seoul, South Korea, where she and CSU Professor Scott Diffrient were completing their prestigious Fulbright scholarship research project, “Beyond Anti-Communism and National Propaganda: Reevaluating South Korea’s State Film Censorship of the Cold War Era.” During her time abroad, Chung published two research papers:

  1. From Parasites to Monsters: The Unfulfilled Promises of Serres’ Parasitism in Bong Joon-ho’s Neoliberal Social Allegories,” Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration, ed. in Thorsten Botz-Bornstein (Brill, 2022), 115-128.
  2. From All-American Girl to Kim’s Convenience: The Perils and Paradoxes of Implicit InGroup ‘Yellowvoicing,'” Pragmatics of Accents, ed. Gaëlle Planchenault (John Benjamins Publishing, 2021), 189-203.

A new book

In addition to these scholarly publications, Chung also co-wrote a book with Diffrient, Movie Minorities: Transnational Rights Advocacy and South Korean Cinema (Rutgers University Press, 2021). Learn more about Diffrient and Chung’s Movie Minorities here.